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October 3, 2019

Bath County ACP Camping Trip

On Saturday, August 24th, Wild Virginia hosted a camping trip in the mountains of Bath County, Virginia. While all 13 attendees enjoyed the beauty and serenity that one would expect from a weekend of camping, the trip was about much more than a weekend escape. The primary purpose of this excursion was to see and explore an area along the 550 mile proposed route for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP), a project headed by Dominion Energy, while learning about the effects that construction will have on the area.

The whole group, myself included, congregated at a 120 acre piece of land, owned by Bill and Lynn Limpert, which is directly in the current path of the ACP. The couple regularly invites campers of all ages to come and listen to their personal experience and extensive knowledge of the area while enjoying the land. The Limperts act as an advocate for the land and people alike as they emphasize the multitude of ways in which the ACP will negatively impact their community and the surrounding ecosystem if completed.

Not long after our arrival, Mr. Limpert led a tour around a portion of the forest and educated all of us about his land and how it will be affected by Dominion’s pipeline. His knowledge about seemingly every aspect of the land and how it would be affected by this project-from the water quality to soil composition to species in the area-made his passion for this cause evident.  His love and concern for the land was truly inspiring as it was not rooted solely in the way it would affect him, but the cumulative effect this would have on myriad communities, ecosystems, and future generations.

After a day full of discussions and explorations as well as a night spent under the stars, we departed from the Limpert’s special spot and headed to Fort Lewis Lodge in Millboro, Virginia. The devoted owner and lover of the outdoors, John Cowden, explained how the proposed pipeline route will affect both his business and the land. He was especially concerned about the creek, depicted below, as its scenic value and water quality (and therefore the lives of all of the aquatic species that live within it) would be greatly degraded by this project. Unfortunately, John’s situation is not the only one of its kind. Thousands of home and business owners are facing uncertainty in regard to the land they love and value for the sake of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline.  The good news is that this fight is far from over. There are various ways that we as individuals can help this cause and influence real change. This trip opened my eyes in many ways, but more than anything empowered me to believe that we can make a difference through our actions.

This weekend long adventure was truly unlike any trip that I have ever been on. I received an immense amount of insight into the activity surrounding the Atlantic Coast Pipeline from a variety of people including scientists, lawyers, passionate citizens and homeowners who will be affected, all while observing the beautiful mountains of Virginia. It was an extremely special experience that shed light on the reality of the ACP and has inspired me to take action against environmental injustices of all kinds since returning. To learn more about the pipeline and how to get involved, click the link below!


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August 2, 2019


What is the Common Agenda?

Every year the Virginia Conservation Network (VCN) releases a briefing book entitled Our Common Agenda. The briefing combines the policy agendas of over 100 organizations across Virginia to form one, concise compilation of conservation goals. The agenda aims to address the most pressing conversation issues with realistic statewide policies. The VCN recently released the 2020 edition of Our Common Agenda, which includes input directly from Wild Virginia

How is Wild Virginia Involved?

This year Wild Virginia helped write a paper with for the briefing book about habitat connectivity. We were honored to help work on this paper because habitat connectivity is a core focus at Wild Virginia. The paper explains the need for increased connectivity in our Commonwealth, outlines the negative effects of fragmented habitats, and shows the benefits of more connected areas. Then, a solution is proposed. The paper suggests establishing a group of experts to analyze potential wildlife corridors in Virginia and creating a strategy that would best protect those wildlife corridors.

How Can You Support Our Common Agenda?

If you are interested in looking further into the briefing book, it is available to download here.  Many of the papers outline specific ways you can help contribute to conservation in Virginia.

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July 12, 2019


Wild Virginia needs your help in signing on to a letter addressed to Ralph Northam demanding that he put a stop to fossil fuel projects in our state!


Over the past few years, we have seen the approval of multiple large-scale fossil fuel projects here in Virginia, such as the Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast pipelines.  Since the approval of these projects, we have seen countless examples of their negative environmental impacts.  Unfortunately, the current administration is poised to approve two more fossil fuel projects, the Transco Southeastern Trail Expansion and the MVP Southgate projects.

Doing so would increase Virginia’s dependence on fossil fuels and cause further harm to our wild areas.  In addition to harming the environment, these projects have put our most vulnerable communities at risk, as many of those affected are low-income communities, communities of color, or indigenous communities.

Because of this, Wild Virginia and other organizations have taken to signing a letter addressed to Governor Northam that urges him to do his duty of protecting Virginia’s communities and the future of our environment.  We ask that he publicly opposes all future and current fossil fuel projects in the state and increases our role in the production of renewable energy!


If you are against the fossil fuel industry and instead support clean, renewable energy, sign this letter today!  You have until August 3rd, and both individuals and organizations can sign on.